The iPhone 3GS Does Not Disappoint

So, as you probably saw from my last post, I was watching this year’s WWDC very closely. Like many other people, I was very excited to see and hear what Apple would do this time. They started off by introducing their new Macbook lineup, which basically renamed any Macbook made out of aluminum and called them all Macbook Pros. This is a very interesting move and I hope it is an indication that something is on the way, something in the form of a tablet.


Where to Hear About the New iPhone First

OK folks, this is gonna be a big night for Apple fans. All experts say tonight is the night of the iPhone. So, since Twitter is overflowing with tweets about the WWDC (Apple’s event), I figured I would list the places where you can update in real time on the announcements. So here is my list and please feel free to send me others if you know of em.