iPhone is Now Officially Smarter Than People

cubesolvingWith all the talk and Hollywood movies about robots outsmarting humans, we might have reached a dangerous point (no, not really). A new app called Cube Cheater proves that the iPhone is in fact more intelligent than your average homosapien (I have not used that word since like 6th grade).

The app analyzes a Rubik’s Cube (can you believe they have a website?) in any given state and tells you how to solve it step by step using a 3D interface. You can input the state of the Rubik’s cube by painting it in the app’s UI, or by taking a picture of it, how cool is that?

I don’t know about you, but I do not know many people that can solve a Rubik’s cube, and the few that can, take much longer than Cube Cheater.  Should I prepare for the revolution? (OK, so I watched one too many Terminator sequels, so what?)


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