I Would Buy An iPhone Pro; Would You?


This morning a very interesting photo appeared on the Web. No one is claiming that it is real, it is just a very interesting concept. It is being dubbed the iPhone Pro or Elite (I believe the first time anyone uttered the words iPhone Pro can be seen in the video below), and it is pretty darn impressive.

I always find it kinda silly when talking about what features a mock up has because, um, it does not exist.  I guess we can talk about what Apple could add to make the iPhone even more awesome. So this phone would have a full QWERTY keyboard, which might actually turn people away from the iPhone due to the thickness it would add, but I am assuming it would attract more users, especially business oriented consumers.

The result of a Google Images search for the words iPhone Pro

The result of a Google Images search for the words iPhone Pro

According to the creator of this Photoshop piece of art, the iPhone Pro would have 60GB of memory, although I personally think 32 is more than enough for 99% of people. It would also offer a one megapixel front camera for iChat, and a high quality camera, with good lenses, optical zoom, and video capability, all things that I think everyone agrees are missing on the current iPhone.


Gizmodo went ahead and mocked up the mock up. They added two hardware keys and a D-Pad that can be used for gaming. Being as I am not much of a gaming person myself, I am not feeling it.

To just add a few things of my own, I don’t think I am telling you anything you do not know, but here goes:

  1. We need some copy and paste functionality, but that really goes without saying.
  2. I truly believe the addition of MMS functionality would be a blessed one, although my colleagues dispute this point and believe that no one uses MMS today.
  3. Stereo Bluetooth or A2DP.
  4. Ability to save email attachments. Yes, you cannot do that on the current iPhone.
  5. Ability to search your emails.
October, 2008? Did you mean 2009?

October, 2008? Did you mean 2009?

To land a little, MacWorld 2009 is approaching us, and I do not think anyone believes we will see an iPhone Pro. What people do believe is that Apple (not Steve Jobs) will announce an iPhone Nano and possibly a 32GB iPhone.

What I believe is that if they do not implement at least half of the above features in a firmware upgrade soon, I am not going to be happy, and we know already know that when Tech N’ Marketing is not happy, Apple is not happy.


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