iPhones and iMacs in Movies: Does Apple Pay?

As regular readers of this blog know, Hillel is a huge enthusiast for all things Mac. So am I, having bought my first iMac two years ago and never looking back. Since then, I’ve also purchased an iPod (5th generation), and my husband bought an iPhone, which has bailed us out on numerous occasions. Recently, Hillel and I got into a conversation on Twitter about Mac product placement that started with the following Tweet…


OffiSync: How Twitter Increased My Productivity

OK, before I begin, let me apologize if the title is a little misleading…What I mean to say is that I found a tool through Twitter that is one of the most productive and efficient tools I have come across in years. A friend of mine on Twitter is the developer, so that is what I mean when I say Twitter increased my productivity. Now, let me ask you this, how you ever come across a concept that made you ask yourself “How did I not think of this?” or better yet “How did no one think of this?” This is one of those moments.


Windows 7 RTM – A Personal Review

I’ve been testing windows 7 tirelessly since exam freedom last week. Everything from stability tests and benchmarking to trying to make it blue-screen. It’s been fun, but in retrospect a social life may have been better. As some of you have asked for it, here is my own humble opinion: It’s good! Really good!


Apple’s Wireless Mouse is Far from Mighty

Being the tech enthusiasnt that I am, I generally review products, apps, or tech concepts that excite me. This sometimes brings readers to ask me if I have encountered a product that did NOT impress me. Over the years I have reviewed many products and the majority of them, once they draw my attention enough to blog about them, did impress me. I have given some negative reviews as well about different apps, but there was always a redeeming factor about anything I reviewed; unti now.


Where to Hear About the New iPhone First

OK folks, this is gonna be a big night for Apple fans. All experts say tonight is the night of the iPhone. So, since Twitter is overflowing with tweets about the WWDC (Apple’s event), I figured I would list the places where you can update in real time on the announcements. So here is my list and please feel free to send me others if you know of em.


VLC Remote for iPhone Does The Job Well

For years, I have told anyone who will listen that one of the first programs to install on a new PC is VLC Media Player. It is a light, user-friendly, open source, small video player that will play pretty much anything that resembles video. Now VLC has the perfect little companion. With VLC Remote (I am talking about the paid version, not VLC Remote Free), you can fully control your VLC player from your iPhone/iPod Touch, and the best thing about it is that it really works, and well!


Microsoft Surface Blurs the Lines between Virtual & Real

This has to be the most surreal video I have ever seen. It displays the results of an experiment called Davinci that is best described by the makers of the video “DaVinci is a prototype/experiment that blurs the lines between the physical and virtual world by combining object recognition, real-world physics simulation and gestural interface design on a Microsoft Surface.”