Don’t Understand Twitter? Watch This!

One of the big challenges of the average Twitter user is the ongoing questions from friends and relatives. “Why is it so popular”? “What’s the point”? “It sounds so lame, why do you waste your time”? I have tried countless times to explain on and off the blog what the big attraction is, and generally without success. Watch this video of Twitter’s CEO and Co-Founder explaining how it works, he does it much better than I can.


Kindle 2 in-depth Review (Hands-on, Pics, and Video)

When Steve Jobs told John Markoff of the New York Times that it didn’t matter how good a device the Kindle was because Americans don’t read anymore, somewhere an angel lost its wings.It’s not that Jobs was wrong. The statistic he quoted, which states that forty percent of Americans read one book or less in 2007, actually sounds a bit generous to me, but what he really meant was that Apple would not be paying any attention to the fledgling eBook Reader market. And that’s sad, because having spent three days playing with my new Kindle 2, the dominant feelings that I’m coping with right now are disappointment and frustration.


Perfecting Twitter

The topic of this post is a sensitive one, how to improve Twitter. The reason it is sensitive is that Twitter is already hands down the most addictive and enjoyable website on the current worldwide Web, and talking about its imperfections, even though there might be a few, is like discussing what would make Vanilla Haagen Dazs ice cream even better.