Why is America Lagging Behind?

T-Mobile announced yesterday that they are going to be the first to offer a 3G USB stick modem for your laptop. This technology has been around for years and in 3G form for at least a year. Why is it only hitting the US market now? Why is the US so far behind in this release?


Some Amazing New Startups

I could not agree with Aryeh more, it was really nice to see all competition put aside for the night and a room full of people, some highly successful, some working on becoming highly successful, there to just try to lend a hand. They had U.S lawyers there to give legal advice on starting a company, they were offering all members of TechAviv office space in various cities to get their company started, and assistance in job placement using TechAviv’s community. It was a truly inspirational night.
Now, down to the details.


Obama Cookies – Poor Taste or Genius?

Hi All,

This story is making headlines all over the place.  A Greenwich village baker is making a cookie called the “Drunken Negro Head” in honor of Barack Obama. People are attacking him all over the place and even threatening to burn his store down.

Even with his poor taste, this baker has been featured in shows like Sex in the City.

But now to the real question, is he just dumb or is this a very smart viral marketing campaign?? Heck, I covered it. What do you think?


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