For Gmailers, Rapportive is an Absolute Must!

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We are living in very interesting times. With Facebook’s growing dominance and Twitter’s expanding user base, hundreds of millions of people share every last detail about themselves openly on the Web. This of course changes everything. Going to a meeting is not what it used to be. The question “how will I recognize you in the crowd?” is no longer relevant. Before I meet anyone, I generally look them up on Facebook or Twitter to see who the person is and learn a little bit about them. Rapportive is an add on for Gmail that brings that information to your inbox.

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Scobleizer on Google, Facebook, Location, iPad, and Android

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As you might have noticed, I have been trying to land interviews with some of the main people that inspired me over the years, mainly in the tech space. Robert Scoble has to be number one on that list. The guy is a legend in the tech world yet he does not let it go to his head at all and spends time talking to people like me on Twitter and even IM. He is one of the nicest people I have met in the industry, and that in and of itself is amazing given everything he has accomplished. Yes, most people of his stature will not give the little person the time of day.

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Producteev Does the Impossible: It Makes Managing your Tasks Enjoyable

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Let me tell you a little story. As a tech blogger, I get a lot of different tech-related questions throughout the day. “What phone should I get?” “LCD or Plasma?” “What is the best Twitter app for Android?” and those are just the questions I received today. A few weeks back I got a question I have never been asked before; an old friend emailed me asking what the best Web-based task management software is.

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Everything You Need to Know about Twitter and Tweeting

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This post is going to be a little different. Over the past two years, ever since I joined Twitter (Follow me here), I, along with many people I know, have had a lot of questions about the micro blogging service. I have tried to cover the topic from all possible angles, and when I am asked about Twitter, I generally send the person asking an email with a whole long list of links to posts I have written.

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Android Tablet Spotted (VIDEO)

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Apple seems to have done it again, opened up a new market. Yes, there have been tablets in the past, but do you know anyone who has one? I don’t! Upon the release of the iPad and the millions sold, seems everyone wants a piece of the action and I can’t blame them.

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Exclusive: Walt Mossberg on iPhone, Android, 4G, and RIM

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There are only a few people who I can honestly say inspired me to write this blog and take an interest in the world of technology. Walt Mossberg, the technology correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, is the head of the pack. He has been covering tech since before I even knew what a computer was and he is widely regarded as the father of the tech industry. Watching him laugh and joke with Steve Jobs in Apple’s keynotes was impressive enough, but his exclusive and informative reviews never cease to capture and amaze his wide audience.

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The First 99 People to Follow on Twitter

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By now, you have definitely heard of the viral micro blogging service called Twitter. Some will say it has reached the masses, while others will say it is still not mainstream. Whatever you think about Twitter, there is no denying that it has become part of regular people’s conversations all around the globe. While Twitter is growing at rates that are unprecedented and actually pretty insane, statistics show that a very high percentage of people join Twitter, send out one or two tweets saying things like “OK, now what do I do?” or “Joined Twitter, I don’t get the point”, then never log in again.

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5 Gmail Labs Features That Enhance Productivity

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Since I spend somewhere between 85% and 95% of my day on the Web, I try out a lot of new services. Most of what I try, I end up ditching, but there are the few that stick with me long term and truly adjust my daily work habits. I am talking about services like Dropbox, Mozy, Skype, and Tweetdeck. The ultimate example of a service that has completely replaced its predecessor is of course Gmail.

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Rounds Finally Brings True Video Chat to Facebook

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Let me just start off by saying that the number of 3rd party Facbook apps I have used can be counted on one hand. I find them to be intrusive and completely irrelevant to what I and most people use Facebook for. Yes, that includes Farmville, never even tried it. However, when my friend Natasha, who is the Marketing Manager of a company previously known as 6Rounds (just changed their name to Rounds) asked me to take a quick look at their new video chat Facebook app, I agreed.

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Gary Vaynerchuk on Social Media, Business, and Passion

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If you are like most people, you have never heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, but if you are like most geeks, he is an idol. The guy took a wine store and made it into a $50 million a year business. You know how when you want to go work out or for a jog, you make yourself a playlist that always has the song “The Eye of The Tiger”? Yea, well the below video is the “The Eye of the Tiger” of online video. This is what I watch when I need inspiration.

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Is Facebook Saving the Web that SEO Destroyed?

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If you know anything about SEO, you know that it’s all about relevancy. Succeeding in SEO means following the best SEO practices and increasing link popularity in order to “persuade” the search engine bots that your site is truly relevant to a given set of keywords. While a small fraction of SEO projects involve fixing the technical kinks on a site that would otherwise get rankings, most campaigns are about manipulating the bots and gaming the algorithm into associating your site with your keywords.

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