Get The Bose QuietComfort 15 Noise Cancelling Headphones. Thank Me Later. No, Really!

Let me start this post with a short story/disclosure. A while back I traveled across the world and stopped over on the way for a few hours in Italy. While the pizza there looked delicious, I found myself wandering into the electronics store in the local airport. There, in the middle of the store were the Bose QuietComfort 15 Noise Cancelling Headphones. Now, a little background. I am no audio expert and so I never owned any fancy earphones in the past. My older brother, however, is. He loves him some good sound and his house is lined with Bose everywhere you look.


Apple Goes Non-Geeky in its Newest Mac Ads, Targets You Know, Normal People

One of the things I have noticed over the past few years is that technology and the billion dollar industries it creates have gone completely mainstream. While processors, screen resolutions, and data connectivity types were terms used by geeks only a few years back, now, the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy is a topic of discussion among pretty much all parts of the population.


After Using iOS 6 Beta 2 for a Few Days, Here are My 5 Favorite Features

Around the time of Apple’s developer conference WWDC every year, I am faced with a dilemma. Do I update my iPhone/iPad to the new version of iOS, which is in Beta for developers or do I wait till it is more stable and publicly available? Somehow, I always come up with the same answer and it involves my heart stopping for a few minuts while my precious iDevices come back to life. If you have updated an iPhone or iPad, you know exactly what I am talking about.


The Leap Gives us a Sneak Peek at the Future of Computing and is Available for Preorder Now

By: Hillel Fuld (@hilzfuld)

Every so often a new technology comes along that you instantly know will be a hit and set a new standard. You know, the original iPhone is an obvious one, but there are other ones that are smaller and also left their impression on the world of technology.

Things like the Kinect, ICQ, the thumb drive, and even different input methods for mobile phones, like Swype.

Well, a new accessory that is now available for preorder for $70 can join the group. It is called The Leap and it basically brings the gestures of Minority Report to real life and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be Tom Cruise in Minority Report?

Anyway, multitouch was brought to mainstream consciousness by the iPhone then duplicated by… well, everyone. Gesture recognition was brought to the market with the Wii and Kinect and that is a hot trend right now, as well. Now The Leap combines the two and brings multitouch technology to the world of gesture recognition, and enables us to interact with our computers in a whole new way that is well, unbelievably awesome.

Take a look and pardon me while I go preorder one right now.


You Finally Started Tweeting? Great! Here is the Only Tip You Need to Know

Seeing someone join Twitter and watching them make the same mistakes so many others have made is often painful. I am referring to spamming celebrities in the hopes that they will get a response (and more followers, as a result). I am talking about misusing hashtags on every word in the tweet, in the hope to show up in people’s searches (and get more followers, as a result). And those are just two of the many things you see new Twitter users doing.


Yes, I Tweet and Share the Same Post More than Once, Get Over it. In Fact, You Should Do the Same

As I spend more time on the social Web, some enlightening facts become apparent daily. For example, I know I hang out on Twitter and Google+ way too much, but most normal people do not. I know, it is hard to believe, but some people have lives outside of Twitter and Google+. What that means is that when I share a blog post I wrote, a cute picture, or any other type of content on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or any other platform, there are going to be many people who do not see that content.