Apple’s Wireless Mouse is Far from Mighty

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Being the tech enthusiasnt that I am, I generally review products, apps, or tech concepts that excite me. This sometimes brings readers to ask me if I have encountered a product that did NOT impress me. Over the years I have reviewed many products and the majority of them, once they draw my attention enough to blog about them, did impress me. I have given some negative reviews as well about different apps, but there was always a redeeming factor about anything I reviewed; unti now.

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Nokia N97, iPhone, and Modu Go Head to Head

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A lot going on in the mobile industry in the last few days and Israel is in the hot spot (no pun intended). Let’s start with the fact that all 3 cellular providers; Orange, Cellcom, and Pelephone recently announced that they will be launching the iPhone 3Gs over the next few months. The word on the street, and when I say street, I mean Twittersphere of course, is that at least two of the three providers bought 100 thousand iPhones from Apple. Now you have to understand that fact in the context that these providers max out at 150 thousand mobile devices sold annually! So out of the 150 thousand phones they will sell in 2009, 100 thousand will be iPhones?!

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Mobile Broadband Explained

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What was true about the mobile web a few years is no longer true today! The iPhone and many phones just like it changed the face of mobile web! However, people speak a lot about the mobile browsers and the browsing experience they provide, not many people pay attention to the fact that without sufficient speeds, those browsers would be useless

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8 Reasons to Consider an iPhone Over A BlackBerry

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One of the few disadvantages of the mobile advancements we are making is that consumers get bored of their mobile device after a very short period of time, or when the newer model comes out, whichever happens first. This is true for a lot of people I know, and it is true for me as well. On the flip side, when I get a new phone, I generally spend the first week or two getting to know the phone, and it is usually accompanied by excitement and enthusiasm about my new device.

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All about The BlackBerry Bold and its Top 10 Apps

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When I first laid my hands on the BlackBerry Bold, my declared intention was to try it out and eventually sell it for a new iPhone 3Gs. After two weeks of intense use, I have completely changed my mind, and as of now, I am very much sticking with the Bold. The machine impressed me on every front. The keyboard beats anything I have ever encountered on a mobile device and the same goes for the screen. In fact, when watching a video on the Bold’s display, it amazes me every time how clear and vibrant the picture is.

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Shape Services Continues to Amaze

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I am going to do something a little differently in the post and not discuss a new product or a new technology. I want to talk to you about a company that I have been in contact with over the past few months. The company is Shape Services and they make some very innovative applications such as IM+, Mobiola Web Camera for Blackberry, and their newest addition, RDM+. Now, I have had the chance to try out all of these apps on different platforms, and they all pretty much rock, but like I said, I want to talk about the company as a whole and not just their products.

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The Victory of Social Media over Cellular Providers

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So to continue from where we left off, I had told Orange that I appreciated their offer of a free Blackberry Bold, but I was not willing to commit to a year and a half of Blackberry service since I know I will probably be switching phones within the next year and a half and Blackberry service is useless if I have an iPhone.

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CrowdA – Share the Money With Those Who Make It.

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CrowdA is a new service aiming to provide User-Generated-Content websites with an ability to share ad revenues with their members (content contributors). The CrowdA service can be used on online message boards, wikis, blogger sites, video hosting and other types of online communities that earn money through placing banners, and would like to share the revenues with the content contributors.

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Snaptu Makes You Forget about The iPhone 3Gs

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With all the latest developments in the mobile world, namely the iPhone 3Gs and the Palm Pre release, I would like to focus on something completely different. I know it is hard to believe but some people are still using plain old “dumbphones” as their primary mobile device. In fact, as of now I am using a Samsung F480, which has a Java-based platform, meaning that there are not many quality apps out there to install. In this post, I would like to introduce you to an application you should install if you are using an older phone, or pretty much any phone other than an iPhone.

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The iPhone 3GS Does Not Disappoint

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So, as you probably saw from my last post, I was watching this year’s WWDC very closely. Like many other people, I was very excited to see and hear what Apple would do this time. They started off by introducing their new Macbook lineup, which basically renamed any Macbook made out of aluminum and called them all Macbook Pros. This is a very interesting move and I hope it is an indication that something is on the way, something in the form of a tablet.

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Where to Hear About the New iPhone First

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OK folks, this is gonna be a big night for Apple fans. All experts say tonight is the night of the iPhone. So, since Twitter is overflowing with tweets about the WWDC (Apple’s event), I figured I would list the places where you can update in real time on the announcements. So here is my list and please feel free to send me others if you know of em.

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